· The conservation protection and enhancement of biodiversity is a big challenge for nations, organizations, government agencies and we as individuals. This is because the continuous need to meet the needs of people is blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Essay on Conservation of Biodiversity – For School Students (Class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12) (Essay 4 – Words) “Conservation of Biodiversity” refers to safeguarding the variety of flora and fauna living together on Earth. The life cycle of plants and animals living on our planet depends on each other for food and blogger.comted Reading Time: 11 mins One of the most pressing environmental issues today is the conservation of biodiversity. Many factors threaten the world’s biological heritage. The challenge is for nations, government agencies, organisations and individuals to protect and enhance biological diversity, while continuing to meet people’s needs for natural blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins
Essay on Biodiversity: 8 Selected Essays on Biodiversity
We use cookies to enhance our website for you, essay on conservation of biodiversity. Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. Type of paper: Essay. Topic: SpeciesConservationEnvironmentDiversityHabitatPolicyFactorLife. Biodiversity is a result of various ecological and evolutionary processes.
Derived from the words bios meaning life and diversity meaning variety, the term biodiversity refers to the variety of living organisms in the world, their diversity and a wide range of ecosystems in a specific area. Biodiversity addresses a variety of living beings available in the biosphere observed at three levels, which include genetic diversity, species diversity and ecosystem diversity.
Genetic diversity refers to the variability among living beings belonging to a specific species. On the other hand, essay on conservation of biodiversity, species diversity refers to the number of plant and animal species present in a specific region. Natural tropical forests are rich in species diversity. Ecosystem diversity refers to the diversity of essay on conservation of biodiversity ecosystems, which constitute of distinct essay on conservation of biodiversity species.
Biodiversity offers direct and indirect values to mankind. Since humans depend upon various plant and animal species either directly or indirectly, it is essential to conserve biodiversity for the wellbeing of humans. Conservation of biodiversity is essential to essay on conservation of biodiversity the plant and animal species so that they do not extinct due to loss of habitat.
The underlying causes of loss of biodiversity involve various factors related to economic activities that lead to the depletion of species either directly or through devastation of the habitat. Such economic activities include changes is the usage of land due to urbanization, industrialization and infrastructure, extraction of resources, excess burning of fossil fuels and many others. The transformation of hydrological cycles in turn changes the living conditions of organisms, thereby causing alterations in the biodiversity.
Biodiversity increases or decreases whenever there is an increase and decrease in the area or complexity of the habitat respectively. Several factors determine biodiversity within a community. One such factor is size of habitat, which refers to the number of species living in a specific area. Another factor is spatial patchiness, which allows distinct organisms possessing essay on conservation of biodiversity requirements to live together.
The third factor known as hardness of the habitat influences the number of species that are able to survive in a community. Disturbances in the habitat also affect the biodiversity in an adverse way, which makes the environment too harsh for the species to survive.
The last factor is isolation of habitat, which refers to the colonization of species in a particular area. One of the human factors, such as wildlife poaching or trading the animals illegally is also another major factor that affects the biodiversity.
There are various threats to biodiversity, essay on conservation of biodiversity, which include loss of habitat, human activities and over exploitation of resources.
Wildlife requires shelter in the form of forests, rivers, vegetation and grasslands. Any harm caused to such habitat in turn affects biodiversity, thereby affecting the environment. Without strict rules and regulations, human factors continue to exist, thereby affecting biodiversity of species. Over exploitation or commercial exploitation of resources, such as medicinal plants and horticultural plants also affects biodiversity.
Other factors include loss of gene flow, reduction in the reproductive rate, position of organisms in the food chain and many others. Conflicts between man and wildlife also lead to a decrease in biodiversity due to the migration of wildlife, which demands for essential care in order to preserve them, essay on conservation of biodiversity.
The strategies involved in the conservation of biodiversity include in-situ, ex-situ, restoration and rehabilitation, land use management, policy and institutions.
While in-situ deals with the establishment and management of various protected areas, ex-situ refers to the creation of artificial environments, such as seed banks, for the maintenance of species. Restoration and rehabilitation refer to the repair and reconstruction of ecosystems. It is equally important to incorporate biodiversity conservation in the strategies of distinct policies and practices. The government should provide appropriate support with regards to infrastructure and finance.
Increasing the awareness and involvement of the public also plays a major role in the biodiversity conservation and environmental protection. There are various international treaties and environmental laws that emphasize on the importance of biodiversity conservation, such as the Rio Convention and World Heritage Convention. The following are certain guidelines that help to protect the environment.
Planting trees on a regular basis and taking care of them, reducing the destruction of trees for wood and other products, saving energy and using alternate forms of energy, such as wind essay on conservation of biodiversity solar energy, increasing the efficiency of irrigation, building rainwater harvesting system whenever possible, reducing the use of pesticides, using green manure and many others.
The fundamental objectives in the conservation of biodiversity should include the maintenance of adequate biodiversity to secure the resilience of various ecosystems. However, the conservation of biodiversity depends on the attitudes of individuals to recognize the social implications of their actions. Since the current conservation efforts essay on conservation of biodiversity concentrated on species diversity, it is important to extend the efforts to ecosystem diversity for better results of environmental protection.
One of the recent and most important emerging mechanisms of conserving biodiversity is conservation banking. It aims at protecting key areas of biodiversity, which face major threats. Conservation banking promotes various public policies that are not only conservation-friendly, but also environment-friendly. It leads to a reduction in the temporal disturbances or loss of habitat, thereby preserving biodiversity.
Although there essay on conservation of biodiversity various conservation strategies that protect the environment and its biodiversity, essay on conservation of biodiversity, they are not sufficient unless there is a proper response from the general public.
It is necessary to conduct awareness programs, which educate the public about the importance of preserving biodiversity and the threats caused by various human activities.
The government should also take strict action against those who indulge in destroying the environment for commercial purposes. The world countries should raise their voices and act together in protecting the environment. Bayon, Ricardo, Nathaniel Carroll and Jessica Fox. Conservation and Biodiversity Banking: A Guide to Setting Up and Running Biodiversity Credit Trading Systems.
Sterling, VA: Earthscan, Jeffries, Mike J. Biodiversity and Conservation. New York, NY: Psychology Press, Lee, Kai N. Freudenburg and Richard B. Humans in the Landscape: An Introduction to Environmental Studies. Norton, Perrings, Charles A. Biodiversity Conservation: Problems and Policies. We accept sample papers from students via the submission form. If this essay belongs to you and you no longer want us to display it, you can put a claim on it essay on conservation of biodiversity we will remove it.
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· The conservation protection and enhancement of biodiversity is a big challenge for nations, organizations, government agencies and we as individuals. This is because the continuous need to meet the needs of people is blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins · Conservation of biodiversity is essential to protect the plant and animal species so that they do not extinct due to loss of habitat. The underlying causes of loss of biodiversity involve various factors related to economic activities that lead to the depletion of Padma on 6 May Protected areas in the Himalayan region in India need to be expanded to conserve endemic Himalayan species and minimise the impact of climate change, a new study has blogger.com oceans biodiversity is increasingly becoming more threatened each year by anthropogenic activities such as pollution, destructive fishing methods, overfishing and commercial agriculture (Tyus,
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